When you pray to Mary, mother of Jesus, you pray, without knowing it,
to the World Mother in her many forms. - The Mists of Avalon
Many of us have been waiting for the Thirty Days of Walking with Mary
and the time is drawing near.
I invite you to join us, the Walking with Mary community in a 30 day practice
with the metaphor, Sacred Presence and iconography of Blessed Mary.
This practice is based on the initiations into the Temple of Mary
for the past ten years, the archetypes of the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck and for
with the metaphor, Sacred Presence and iconography of Blessed Mary.
This practice is based on the initiations into the Temple of Mary
for the past ten years, the archetypes of the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck and for
the first time I am including some of the Mysteries of the Black Madonna tarot deck that
will be printed in early 2021.
Each Thirty Days with Mary is slightly different, but the basic
outline stays consistent. I like to add new prayers and practices every time
but I also know that many like the comfort of consistency and the known
and then there are many who are joining in for the first time.
The Mexican Virgin of Guadalupe is not a typical artistic image in the sense of its creation and expression. In fact, it is not a painting; it is an imprint of the spiritual world upon earthly matter.
The Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico is truly a miracle and a one of a kind representation of the Madonna - Stephanie Georgieff
This year we start on Tuesday 1 December 2020
This year we start on Tuesday 1 December 2020
You can participate wherever you are and you can spend as much time as you can afford to on the daily practice. The month of Walking with Mary will include special prayers, contemplation, spiritual exercises and tools to uncover your own Sacred Heart and strengthen your relationship with
the Blessed Mother Mary.
This is a free event and open to everyone
If you subscribe by email, you will receive the updates in your inbox.
I have an Instagram account @walkingwithmary and if you tag me I will share
some of your posts with the community and others will be able to find you
and follow along.
Over the next few days I will share here a few items that you have to collect and prepare beforehand.
If you own the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck and/or the Amulets of Mary Healing Oracle,
you can bring them to this retreat.
We will consecrate our decks and we will set up a special Walking with Mary altar.
Subscribe to this blog (http://bookofmarysacredheart.blogspot.com) on the right hand side under the tab 'subscribe by email' and you will receive weekly blog posts setting out the teachings of Mary and her many roles; I will share sacred healing practices with you and you will receive instructions on how to do the Silent Heart meditation and how to receive the Sacred Heart diksha which you will practice on a daily basis.
You will experience the flowering of peace and joy and you will see the changes in your personal life unfold as you walk these thirty days with Mary.
The Hearth of Mary is on Patreon and during the month of December I will share extra exclusive content with patrons. During these 30 days of Walking with Mary I will share a special mantra and invocation of the Black Virgin (in the Black Madonna tier and higher up) and very importantly,
I will share mystical practices and prayers specifically devoted to the Mexican Virgin of Guadalupe
on Walking with Mary tier and all higher tiers.
The outline of these thirty days are :
Week 1 Tuesday 1 December to Sunday 6 December
Mary the Immaculate Conception
The suit of Vessels
Week 2 Monday 7 December to Sunday 13 December
The Sacred Heart of Mary
and the archetype of Mary as the Holyrood
Celebration on 9 December - the first vision of the Virgin of Guadalupe and
and the archetype of Mary as the Holyrood
Celebration on 9 December - the first vision of the Virgin of Guadalupe and
12 December of Our Lady of Guadalupe feast day
Week 3 Monday 14 December to Sunday 20 December
Mary as Sophia, Our Lady of Wisdom, Shekinah
Week 4 Monday 21 December to Thursday 31 December 2020
Mary Queen of Roses, the Earth and Theotokos
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