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Thursday, November 5, 2020

A gold version of the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck


The Mysteries of Mary deck with gilded edges!!

Patreons were given first choice of the limited number of deck being printed and there 
are still some left.  They are now on my website
Her Grace Sacred Art at special prices.

The Mysteries of Mary deck with gilded edges available without the book and I am offering a limited number of decks at specially reduced prices.  

I have wanted a gilded deck for myself since I first printed the deck but it was unaffordable. Printing in South Africa I do not have the choices for gilding or inking of edges unfortunately. Now I have been offered a small batch as part of the bigger Black Madonna order at a special price.

I am printing a very small batch of the Mysteries of Mary deck with gilded edges and to make it more affordable I am offering it without the guidebook 

The deck includes a handmade gold velvet pouch but you will also have the choice of the traditional calico pouch.

I am also offering five full sets of the gilded deck, book and small gold statues of Mother Mary

I include holy cards and a plastic rosary with all items.

I am only shipping with DHL Courier Express as international shipping from Africa to the rest of the 

world as international shipping to the rest of the world is too difficult to negotiate right now.  

I do have a special reduced rate that I negotiated with DHL  

Decks will be delivered by courier during the last week of November and the first week of December.

In time for Christmas

I share on Instagram





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