Welcome to Day Five
By now you are familiar with the
daily ritual of the Immaculate Practise.
I do not repeat the daily prayer and mantra - you will find
it on posts 1 and 2 of these thirty days.
Today is dedicated to Mary's blue cloak of protection.
Below is a special prayer and step by step instructions on how to receive the
special diksha.
Feel free to add it into your daily ritual in any way.
Hail Mother Mary
Under your mantle
We take our refuge
We take our refuge
This very simple painting done by myself
carries the vibration of this diksha
The Blue Cloak of Protection
Mother Mary has given the Blue Cloak of Protection diksha to all those who ask Her. The Blue Cloak will cover your entire aura and with repetition of the meditation, its vibrational energy will increase and strengthen.
Diksha of the Blue Cloak of Protection - How to receive this diksha from Mother Mary
Sit comfortably and quieten your mind. Visualise the image of Mother Mary
in your mind's eye.
You can use the image of the painting above if you wish to.
See her energetic Blue Cloak that surrounds her mystical form and aura.
Call on Her presence.
'Oh Divine Mother, please come to me;
reveal thyself;
bless me with your Presence.
You may become aware of a colour, a sensation or a strong rush of emotion.
Allow, allow, allow. You may want to stay in the awareness of her Grace for a few moments before continuing.
in your mind's eye.
You can use the image of the painting above if you wish to.
See her energetic Blue Cloak that surrounds her mystical form and aura.
Call on Her presence.
'Oh Divine Mother, please come to me;
reveal thyself;
bless me with your Presence.
You may become aware of a colour, a sensation or a strong rush of emotion.
Allow, allow, allow. You may want to stay in the awareness of her Grace for a few moments before continuing.
Ask her to grace you with the Diksha of the Blue Cloak of Protection.
'Oh Divine Mother, by the power of Love vested in you and in myself, I ask to receive your Blue Cloak of Protection. I am willing to open my heart and mind to receive this energy transmission and to allow it to act in my energy field;
for it to cover my entire aura and protect all my energy bodies.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Jai Maa! So Be It'
for it to cover my entire aura and protect all my energy bodies.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Jai Maa! So Be It'
Allow yourself to receive the energy and see/sense/visualise the Blue Cloak encircling your body. It covers your entire body down to the toes. The hood slips over your head and the two front seams meet down the length of your body.
Spend time, experiencing the energy of the Blue Cloak and take it with you,
into your energy field.
into your energy field.
Stay in this energy for 10 minutes until you feel the energies dissipate. You can repeat this meditation as often as you like. You can call on the Blue Cloak for Protection in times of anxiety or stress. The more often you meditate on the energy received during this Diksha, the stronger the energy will become.
By now it may be obvious to you that the Blue Cloak of the Virgin-Mother
is the fiery serpent energy, also known as the psycho-spiritual force kundalini,
the revered Shakty, Kundalini Ma. As you visualise the blue flame of protection
form a mantel in your aura, interweaving the miraculous and sacred potency
of your divine self with your DNA and physicality. You may sense the blue heat
as it moves up the spine and through the meridians, and eventually over the head.
Om jai mata Mary Ma!
from the Black Madonna tarot deck

Daily card, crystal and flower
I share the meditation of the Blue Flame of Mary as well as
the Diksha of She Who Wears the Cloak of the Dark Night with
Flamekeepers of the Order of the Dove on Patreon during the month of December

Daily card, crystal and flower
During these seven days we worked with the archetype of
virgin, prophetess and priestess as embodied by Mary.
I share this extract with you
virgin, prophetess and priestess as embodied by Mary.
I share this extract with you
The chief characteristic of the goddess in her crescent phase
is that she is virgin. Her instinct is not used to capture or possess the man
whom she attracts. She remains virgin, even while being goddess of love.
She is essentially one-in-herself.
She is not merely the feminine counterpart of a male god with similar
characteristics and functions, modified to suit her feminine form.
On the contrary she has a role to play that is her own, her characteristics
do not duplicate those of any of the gods, she is the Ancient and the Eternal,
the Mother of God. The god with whom she is associated is her son and
him she necessarily precedes. Her divine power does not depend on
her relation to a husband-god.
She bears her divinity in her own right.
In the same way the woman who is virgin, one-in-herself,
does what she does - not because of any desire to please, not to be liked,
or to be approved, even by herself;
not because of any desire to gain power over another,
to catch his interest or love,
but because what she does is true.
Virgin is used in its psychological connotation.
- extract from Woman's Mysteries by Esther Harding
Today you can add an oil burner to your altar and
burn lemon oil. I like to add water to my oil in the
burner and some people add salt.
Later on in the practice I will share with you a powerful
meditation blend of the other two oils listed previously.
You can continue to burn lemon oil every day.
It is also a good practice to burn lemon oil throughout your
house and even to add lemon oil to a water spray bottle,
add holy or blessed water as well, and spritz in the rooms.
A few years ago I became obsessed with both the smell and taste
of lemons. I started with drinking lemon in my water, burning lemon oil,
wearing lemon oil and eventually I travelled to the south of Italy
to immerse myself in the culture and traditions related to the use of lemons.
Since then I have uncovered so much research on this sacred fruit!
The lemon is a citrus which is a variegation of the Etrog, also known as
Citron and Citron Medica. I am sharing the following from the website
that I share below.
The etrog originated in India. From there it found its way to Persia
(modern-day Iran), Aram-Naharayim (modern-day northern Syria),
Israel and Egypt. Archaeologists have discovered etrog seeds in
Iraq (ancient Babylon) dating back to 4000 BCE, and etrogs
were found in Egyptian tombs and wall murals dating to 1500 BCE.
We can learn about the antiquity of the etrog
from Jewish sources. According to one tradition, the “Tree of Knowledge” i
n the Garden of Eden was an etrog tree. One basis for this tradition is the
biblical description: “and the woman (Eve) saw that the tree was good for eating
and a pleasure to look upon” (Genesis 3:6).
In the Midrash, the Sages taught that one of the distinguishing features
of the earliest trees was that all of their parts were edible.
“Go and see which tree …can be eaten just as its fruit.
You will only find the etrog” (Breishit Rabba 15, 8). In the time
of the Mishna and the Talmud, it was customary to eat the sprouts
and the young leaves of the etrog tree.
It is still customary in the Jewish tradition to gift others with
and etrog or citrus on the religious feast day of Sukkot.
In Italian folklore and herbal craft and tradition, it is a practise
to plant a lemon tree at your front door for protection.
It is also still a practise in some areas to keep a branch
from a lemon tree in your kitchen, as well as a bowl of the fruit.
At many hotels and guesthouses you will still see a bowl of lemons
at the front door - for purification and protection!
At the feast of the Madonna in Tropea entire
bouquets were created from lemons and her statue
had lemon trees on either side.
a wreath that I created from lemons and oranges |
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