September is the month of the Rose Queen, Holy Mary.
The last few years I have been offering Walking with Mary on my blog and Instagram, but because of the pandemic lockdown I have not been able to get the new Mysteries of Mary tarot decks out to everyone in time. I know that many of you were looking forward to participating with your new decks.
I am moving Walking with Mary on to December and it will incorporate the Winter rites and the Winter Mysteries, the Twelve Days of Mary and the Twelve Days of Christmas. I am also looking forward to this magical journey as I have not combined these before and it is always also a time of inspiration and insight for me.
In the Temple of Mary September is the month of the Rose Queen and I will share with you the magic of this month and the many blessings available to us. I am sharing these with patrons only with various aspects over the different tiers.
Across all tiers I will share with you the thirty day practise of the Blessing of the Rose Queen. This thirty day practise is similar to a novena but it is done over thirty days. You will have the opportunity to create sacred art, create a dedicated journal and I will share a number of prayers over the thirty days that you can add to your Rose Queen Journal or diary.
It is also the feast of the Nativity of Mary on 7 September and we will celebrate with a special post on Mary's link to the lunar rites of this month; on the Black Madonna tier I will share one of the very powerful and important Black Madonna's story and card from the deck in progress, whose feast day is on this day; and on the Virtual Pilgrimages I will share my special devotion and pilgrimage to Maria Bambina.
Then there are the Autumn rites and the Autumn Mysteries of Mary to be shared (I will focus on the astrology as in the Southern Hemisphere it is Spring)
AND we are entering the third gate of the Rose of Venus.
On Order of the Dove we are now moving into the Masculine Mysteries, the deeper meaning of the Cosmic Christ and a series of kundalini awakening recorded practises which I call The Immaculate Practises of the Sacred Heart of the Mary.
All tiers will have access to the Thirty Day practise of the Blessing of the Rose Queen. This will include altar creating, a daily ritual and a thirty day practise. The Blessing of the Rose Queen is a form of novena, except we do it for 30 days. Many miracles have manifested with this practise.
On the tiers that include a meditation I will share the beautiful Meditation of the Seven Roses.
Hello! With great joy and gratitude I have just discovered your website and today I ordered the Mysteries of Mary Tarot. I would like to participate in the Walking With Mary journey in December 2020. Could you please email me information about how I can join? Thank you! Blessings! Suzanne